13 September 2009

You Lie, Lie, Lie

Been thinking about Joe Wilson's rude "You lie" heckle of President Obama. Methinks Wilson's ejaculation concealed a certain truth, which is that all politicians lie. I don't trust any of them. Never have. Never shall.

Wilson should have aptly cried out: "We lie." As in George W. Bush's "We do not torture." As in Barack Obama's mendacity of "transparency." As in Bill Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman." As in George H.W. Bush's "No new taxes."

I could go on, but there's not enough space in cyberspace for the full litany of politicians' falsehoods, deceptions, deceits, and plain old baldfaced lies.

Next time you and I and all of we the people vote politicians into power, bear that in mind.

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