15 September 2009


In a post today on the Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan regales with this arresting tot of naïveté: “And what's so awful about a nuclear stand-off between Iran and Israel in the Middle East?” 

Let’s see: Israel has exported offensive arms, ammunition, rockets, warheads, mortars and such to how many countries that harbor and support “terrorists” and to how many terrorist groups? Umm, well, none that I know of. You know of any? 

Iran has exported arms, ammunition, rockets, warheads, mortars, and jihadis to innumerable jihadist wannabe theo-thugocracies in lands and states that harbor jihadis? Well, come to think of it, gee whiz, yes, it has. And have these clients of Iran’s weapons largesse ever used these Iranian weapons and munitions to commit indiscriminate mass-murder? Okay, so you tried to count all such instances and you ran out of fingers and toes - and red blood cells.

The recent meme that Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is desirable for Peace In Our Time In The Middle East - or that it's “livable-with” - because it will result merely in a WMD standoff between itself and Israel is exceedingly naïve.

An Iranian nuclear ICBM attack on Israel is not the prime danger because the mullahs aren't so completely stupid to invite upon themselves an annihilating Israeli nuclear counterstrike. The prime danger consists of Iran distributing nuclear weapons, or just enough radioactive glow-goodies to construct and detonate several dirty bombs in populus non-Moslem conurbations, to its jihadist clients - you know, those Hearts And Minds Democracy activists with the long, admirable record of restraining themselves from committing indiscriminate mass-murder all over the globe.

I love that old sign that I used to see posted in workplaces: THIMK! 

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